Finishing incorporates his laboratory Pegasa a dynamometer Instron 3300 with which we try to adapt better to the quality requirements of our customers. ...
MEETING WITH NEWSPAPER «LA VERDAD» IN OUR INSTALLATIONS ABOUT A INNOVATION SYSTEMTO WATERPROOF FOOTWEAR. Entrevista del periódico La Verdad en nuestras instalaciones sobre un nuevo sistema para impermeabilizar el calzado.
From Acabados Pegasa, we think the formation of a person should never end, so as AITEX, notes holding two Masters with the University Cardenal Herrera-CEU University. These Masters University known for its exclusivity, as there are no alternatives similar in quality...
The Spanish Association of Components and Machinery for Footwear (AEC), closed in 2011 with sustainable growth, even taking into account the economic difficulties. Although the sector has been adversely affected by the current economic crisis by reducing their...
It will be celebrated on 18 and 19 of April 2012 the International Fair of Leather, Components and Machinery for Footwear and Leather Goods. One year more, Acabados Pegasa will present their innovations products, where their speed and quality are importants with a...